DumpsLibrary has experts who know the syllabus and requirements of the certification exam you want to take. They have prepared the learning material according to the latest and real exam syllabus to ensure your success in the certification exam. We recommend you download a free demo of your required certification exam material to see the quality before purchase. Then you can buy your desired DumpsLibrary PDF dumps and Practice Test Software.
To build a trustworthy relationship with our clients, we offer a 100% refund guarantee to them if they failed in their certification exam after using DumpsLibrary learning products. We will send your full payment back according to our refund policy.
Nevertheless, our company has a refund policy to confirm that the client failed the exam after using DumpsLibrary questions and answers. We do not take the responsibility of the client’s personal mistakes e.g. leaving the exam unattended or not following the given schedules.
Following is our refund policy to check our client’s eligibility for the refund. We will send the payment back after the claim in 7 business days or you can also get another product of the same amount.
We Require The Following Conditions To Be Fulfilled Before Considering Your Refund Claim:
- You used the latest certification exam pdf dumps questions offered by DumpsLibrary.
- You will have to provide a digital copy of your original result card.
- You used DumpsLibrary learning products for minimum 15 days prior to your final exam.
- You asked for your payment refund within a week of your exam result.
- Promo products are invalid for the money-back guarantee.
Get Your Refund Quickly:
To get your refund quickly follow the mentioned steps and email to the refunds email specified in the Refund Policy page. [refunds@dumpslibrary.com]
Sign in to your account, click or download your result page and record the video of this whole process to show your full page of result.
Email us your order number and date, exam appointment card, result card, and the video you recorded as above.
Our Refund Policy:
We want to ensure the following things to continue the refund guarantee and avoid tricking:
The candidate used the DumpsLibrary learning material for a minimum of two weeks.
The candidate took the exam on time without leaving anything due to personal reasons.
The candidate purchased the latest product in the three months before the exam.
This guarantee is invalid for non-proctored exams such as the exams accessible online with no proctor.
The guarantee is also invalid for some Apple, AWS, Cloudera, MS Dynamics, HPE, SAP, and OCP Exams.
Outdated exams. (for the candidates who used our updated material for outdated exams).
There will be no refund for the candidate in case of the purchase of wrong or outdated exam material.
If the candidate scores less than 70% marks after using our products then we will refund the payment. But if the candidate could not attempt the question provided in the braindumps and could not pass with 10% or 20% then we will not refund.
If you found 20% answers of DumpsLibrary learning products invalid and you can provide valid answers with their explanation then you can claim a refund. Our team will consider your case of refund.
If for any case, our refund team feels that your refund claim ought not to be dealt with then we have the right to reject the claim.